Sunday, December 23, 2007

Update on the Mars asteroid

New observations reduce the possibility from 1/75 (1.33%) to 0.3%. (via the MPML). The error ellipse has moved from near the center of a large uncertainity to the edge of the ellipse. See a diagram here.


Redag said...

The impact probability has jumped up to four percent, so says:

Dean W. Armstrong said...

Yeah--and did you see it was Andy Puckett who precovered the asteroid from SDSS?

Redag said...

No, I didn't notice that at first, but score one for UofC...

Dean W. Armstrong said...

The latest update put it at 3.6%

As always, very impressive that the impact probability is still so high! I saw Mars on the way out of the Library tonight, and thought of what might happen in a month.