Saturday, July 24, 2021

Compact Fluorescent Lifetime report #4

As previously mentioned, I've tried to keep track of CFL bulbs I used and how long they have lasted. Some have outlived some of the newer LED lights I now buy, which is related to the reduction of manufacturing cost by the makers of them. My early LEDs are still running from 2011, including the famous L-prize bulb won by Philips, in a torchiere conversion I did a long time ago and still use. This bulb was used for a several hours each day from 2008-2011, pretty much not used for two years, then was used for a short time daily and at most an hour or two weekly from 2013-2021 in the laundry room in a horizontal position. So, it probably lasted about 5000 hours. The bulb warranty was set as "guaranteed for 5 years at 4 hours each day" and labeled as 8000hrs.


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