Thursday, July 07, 2005

Steven is (or was) here

The TERRA satellite rocks. Steven is in the Yucatan in Mexico. I grabbed an image from TERRA taken on June 30th. The linked file is a huge crop from a even bigger image.

1 comment:

  1. Here is a
    satellite photo
    of the village where I was, approx. pop. 2,000. If you zoom out 4 times you can see Valladolid (pop. 40k i believe) towards the lower left. If you zoom out two more times you can see Merida (capital of the state, pop. 1 million) towards the left and Cancun towards the right (on the coast). It is a 4 hour drive between Merida and Cancun on the new (toll) super-highway, about 6 hours on the old two-lane affair.
